


Create VLANs on pfSense

Version Status date Author URL
0.1 First draft 03 Mar 2023 Fabio Pagotto

1. abstract

This tutorial covers how to install VLANs on a pfSense.

It describes how to:

  • Create a VLAN
  • Add VLANs as an interface to a port.
  • Set up the VLAN interface for use.

2. tutorial

2.0 Important preliminary information

The following items are required to complete this tutorial:

  • A fully installed pfSense
  • Access to the web interface

2.1 Create VLANs

Once you have logged into pfSense, it will look like this.

Now click on „Interface“ and, in the drop-down menu, on „Assignments“. After you have reached the next menu, click on „VLANs“. In the next menu, you must now click on the green „+ Add“ button. You will now be taken to the VLAN configuration interface, which looks like this.

Here is a brief description of the 4 setting options.

  • Parent Interface: Specifies on which port the VLAN should run.
    A VLAN can only be configured on one port
  • VLAN Tag: Which number the VLAN should have. Usable range between 1 and 4094
  • VLAN Priority: Defines the priority of the VLAN. Usable range between 0 and 7.
    (Unless required, it is recommended to ignore this field)
  • Description: Description of the VLAN (not required for creation, but recommended)

To create a VLAN, you must set the above fields appropriately and then click on the blue „Save“ button. The VLAN is now created. It should be listed in the VLANs tab.

2.2 Configure VLAN as interface

So that it also works on the specified „Parent Interface“ you must click on the tab „Interface Assignments“ tab tab.

Once there, select in the drop-down menu next to „Available network ports:„ select your VLAN. Then click on it, on “+ Add“.

Your VLAN should now appear as an interface in the Interface Assignment list.

Now click on the blue text of the newly created interface. You will now be taken to the configuration settings of the VLAN interface.

This looks as follows:

Make the following settings,

Click on Enable Interfaceto switch on the interface (VLAN).

It is best to enter the same description as for the VLAN.

For IPv4 Configuration Type Satic IPv4 from.

Now enter the following under Static IPv4 Configuration enter the IP address for the VLAN. For the subnet, use the same number as the VLAN. Select the subnet mask /24.

This should then look as follows:

This means that IP addresses on the VLAN can also be used on other devices.

Then click on Save

When prompted, click on Apply Changes

Your VLAN is now fully set up. You can now configure rules and much more with the VLAN.

3. source directory

Listed below are the sources that were used to create the documentation

Official documentation from Netgate:

en/technische-dokumentationen/tutorials/vlans_auf_pfsense.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/05/14 11:56 von e.rueefli