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Creating a web server on Debian 11

Version Status Date Author:in URL
0.1 First draft 08/09/2023 R. P.
1.0 Review and release 08.09.2023 E.R.

1. summary

Installation and configuration of a web server with Apache2 on Debian 11.

2. main part

Apache Basic Install

1. apt install apache2
2. ss -tulpen (to see ports opened, we want port 80 to be opened)
3. test server from local browser: http://IP-Address//

Apache enable SSL

1. enable SSL modules in Apache: a2enmod ssl
2. enable SSL-Virutal Host: a2ensite default-ssl.conf (to activate https instead of http)
3. test SSL from local browser: https://IP-Address
4. cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled.
5. ls (to see enabled and available things in our web server)

3. source directory

Debian Installation:

en/intern/dokumentationen/apache2-install.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/01/24 13:22 von r.pachatz