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Trusted root certification bodies for

The root certificates for the Windows domain can be downloaded here: ======

Installing the certificates under Mac OSX

First download the two root certificates. Double-click on the certificate to open the keychain. Select the keychain in which you want to save the certificates:

Then open the keychain and search for the saved certificate. Double-click the certificate and change the trust settings to „Always trust“:

Installing the certificates under Linux (Ubuntu)

Under Ubuntu (tested version 23.10), the Chrome and Firefox browsers use their own certificate stores by default. The import is shown here for Chrome as an example. The certificate store can be found under Settings/Privacy and security/Security/Manage certificates. The downloaded certificate can be found there under Certification Authorities can be imported:

The trust settings of the certificate must then be defined:

The import is similar for Firefox. In Firefox, you can find the certificate store under Settings/Privacy and security/Certificates.

en/intern/certs.1714403030.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/04/29 17:03 von e.rueefli