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Rafisa Virtual Assistant (wip)

Last month I built a virtual assistant for the Rafisa. It's not finished yet, but it's far enough along for a presentation. But what can I do with it now? I can use voice commands to search for educational videos on YouTube, play music, trigger a Google search, open my daily journal, open the internal page, have a chat, have emails read out to me and write emails to myself, and load appointments from Outlook to my Google calendar. I'm currently working on the fact that Friday, as the Virtual Assistant is called, can write simple programmes in C++ (to the Applis: don't worry, you won't lose any jobs), which should then make it easier for me to create programmes to automate server processes. If you have any questions, comments or would like a demo, you can come to room 205 on the second floor. I will be happy to show you the functions. If you bring a 32GB USB stick, you can get the source code and the required programmes from me.

2024/05/27 09:45 · g.chopard

Azure connection

Azure is now used as the authentication backend. For compatibility reasons, the local login is still active for certain accounts.

2024/04/20 16:48 · e.rueefli

Namespaces for locations

Each Rafisa location now has its own namespace in the wiki, to be found in the menu under Locations.

2023/12/15 13:41 · e.rueefli

Multilingual wiki

Ryan has introduced multilingualism to our wiki. Every page can be translated with one click using the Deepl plugin. The entire training tasks under Training are already translated. For the moment, manual translation is activated, i.e. we are still selecting the pages to be translated manually. As soon as we have gained more experience with the plugin, we will activate the automatic translation of pages.

2023/12/15 12:11 · e.rueefli
en/intern/blog.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/12/15 14:25 von e.rueefli