


Create UniFi Network

In this guide you will learn how to set up a UniFi network.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of English, basic knowledge of computers

Hardware requirements: Ubiquiti Networks Switch, Access Point, Cloud Key. 4-5 Ethernet cables, computer with browser, Angry IP Scanner and Ethernet interface, your mobile phone, the mobile phone of the vocational trainer or a second mobile phone or a WiFi-enabled computer, see task 11.

Components and their function

Let's start with the switch. A switch is a network component that is responsible for providing several devices with an Ethernet connection.

Now let's move on to the cloud key.

This is a small server on which a website is made available. It will configure the devices.

The smartphones also want internet access. There is a WiFi access point for this. This provides a WiFi network.

Task definition

The company DIST GmbH has commissioned you to create a small WiFi network for them. They wanted a WiFi network with the network name DIST-WiFi and the password: 12345678 The SSID (network name) should also be the same on both bands.

You must now set up and configure the UniFi network. Before you do this, however, you can take a look at the web interface, which will help you in the course of this task.

Tip: If the switch and/or the access point do not appear in the adoption process, you must reset the corresponding device to factory settings, as DIST GmbH purchased used hardware. To do this, please ask the vocational trainer for a paper clip. This must be bent open and then carefully pressed into the hole labelled „RESET“ on the device. Normally 10 seconds are sufficient. You can see whether you need to reset the access point as it lights up faintly blue when it is set up. In the factory setting state, however, this ring lights up white.

Task 1: Connecting network components

We start with the switch. Please connect the switch to the power supply and then plug the cable that the vocational trainer gave you as an uplink cable into port 16. If he did not do this, please ask him. Now you need to connect the access point to port 8. Important: The port labelled MAIN must be used on the access point. Please now connect the computer to port 15 on the switch. You can then connect the Cloud Key to port 7 on the switch. You must then wait around 5 - 10 minutes for the Cloud Key to boot up completely.

If the access point lights up blue, please reset it with a bent paper clip. The reset button must be pressed for 10 seconds.

Task 2: UniFi Controller and Cloud Key initial setup

Cloud Key basics, setup and use of the IP scanner

Before you can really get started, you must first find out the IP address of the Cloud Key. Recommended by the author is: Angry IP Scanner. Please search for the Cloud Key's MAC address and then enter the IP address in the browser of your choice. MAC address: FC:EC:DA:D7:6B:63

To display the MAC addresses, you must first activate this. To do this, please click on the button marked in red in the screenshot.

Now you must select the „MAC address“ entry (1) and move it to the left using the button pointing to the left (2). This must then be confirmed by clicking on „OK“ (3).

To scan the correct network with the Angry IP Scanner, you must first select the network. To do this, please click on the „IP“ button.

And then select the laboratory network.

The vocational trainer will show you the right network. If you like to challenge yourself, you can work according to the try and error principle. To do this, simply try every entry you can see in the list. Tip: The network will start with „172.16.“ .

If this is not visible and does not light up blue, please press the on/off button on the side. If this does not help after 5 minutes, please contact the vocational trainer. He will help you with troubleshooting.

VERY IMPORTANT: Shut down the Cloud Key correctly

Shutting down the Cloud Key: To do this, you must enter the IP address of the Cloud Key in the browser, click on „Configure“ at the bottom option and log in to the Cloud Key with the login data: username: ubnt Password: P@ssword1

The login data may not work. In this case, the login data should be as follows: username: ubnt password: ubnt

Then you have to change the password from ubnt to P@ssword1 . A pop-up will appear for this. You only need to do this once. If the pop-up does not appear, you can also change the password under Maintenance Change password.

If this does not work, please contact your vocational trainer.

To shut down the Cloud Key safely, you must click on „STOP UNIFI“ under „Maintenance“ and after UniFi has stopped, click on „SWITCH OFF“ & confirm. You can then unplug the Cloud Key as soon as the LED goes out. If you do not carry out these steps, the Cloud Key will no longer work and must be repaired!

UniFi Controller Setup

Now it's time to set up the controller. The company DIST GmbH is located in Switzerland. The IT administrator asked you to log in offline without an account. Username: admin Password: admin Password1 The controller should be called DIST GmbH.

Backups should not be performed automatically!

Tip: If the access point or the switch does not appear in the controller adotping process, please ask the vocational trainer for a paper clip,

Task 3: Perform WiFi settings

You need to make WiFi settings to make the WiFi network secure. To do this, automatic settings must be deactivated. You must then enter the network DIST-WiFi PMF to Optional, activate UAPSD and BSS Transition, switch on Band Steering and leave 802.11 DTIM Period set to Auto.

PMF is a protection against hacker attacks. UAPSD is an advanced energy saving option. BSS Transition is a standard that improves roaming. Band steering is: The access point can distribute clients between the 2.4GHz and 5GHz band to reduce load and improve connection quality. 802.11 DTIM Period is an option for advanced users.

Task 4: Create guest network

Now DIST GmbH has customers. The customers also want to have a WiFi connection. Therefore, DIST GmbH asks you to create a guest network with the network name DIST-GUEST to create a guest network.

Task 5: Limit guests

DIST GmbH would also like the guests to have a bandwidth limit of 10 Mbit/s download and upload and that devices that connect to this WiFi network cannot connect to each other.

Task 6: Set up guest portal

The company has provided you with a background image and asked you to customise the background image on the login screen. (hintergrunddist.png)

The company would also like the login screen to contain a text. The text should be above the login field and should read:

Dear Sir or Madam Welcome to DIST GmbH. We wish you a pleasant stay. Please do not use this WiFi hotspot for illegal activities! The network traffic will be recorded.

You have also been provided with a logo. (DISTlogo.png)

The authentication method should be realised with vouchers. In addition, DIST GmbH wants the language English to be changed to German and English to be set up as a second language.

Task 7: Set up vouchers

The guests should have internet access for 8 hours and only be able to use the code once. The company DIST GmbH asks you to generate 100 of these codes.

Task 8: Restrict communication and bandwidth for guests

DIST GmbH does not want guests to be able to communicate with other guests. The guests should also be limited to 10Mbit/s download and upload.

Task 9: Increase WiFi range

The CEO of DIST GmbH has complained to you about the low WiFi range. Please set the transmission strength of the access point for 2.4G and 5G to 22 dBm and set the 5G channel to channel 140 to prevent interference with other company networks in your neighbourhood. Please set the channel width to 20MHz. This is necessary because channel 140 only works with 20MHz.

Task 10: Various best practices

Your manager has told you that there are certain best practices in the business sector. He has provided you with a list.

  • Deactivate AP uplink
  • Name the AP and switch in the controller. (Access Point = AP-01 | Switch = SW-01)
  • Deactivate automatic updates. Trigger updates yourself!
  • Reduce the transmission power of the 2.4 GHz network by approx. 7 dBm to optimise roaming for Apple devices.

Explanation: AP uplink is deactivated to save airtime. Each SSID will consume a small amount of airtime. AP and Switch should be renamed to know where these devices are. If one of these devices has a problem, you need to know where it is, as companies usually have several of these devices.

Please adopt these best practices.

Task 11: Check network for functionality

Now you need to check the functionality of this network. For this you need 2-3 WiFi clients. Connect one of the clients to the DIST-WiFi network and the other client to the DIST-GUEST network.

The vocational trainer will help you with this.

(Optional) Task 12: Set up a mesh network

The customer has a shed with electricity. However, he does not want to lay Ethernet cables. Please switch AP Uplink back on. Connect an access point to a PoE injector and wait until it lights up white. If this does not happen, use a bent paper clip to press the reset button on the access point for 10 seconds. You can then adopt the access point on the controller and apply the same signal settings as the first access point. Please set the channel to 132.

Clean up

Congratulations! You have (hopefully) successfully completed the tasks. So that the next taster apprentice can get started straight away, all devices must be reset to factory settings. Let's start with the access points. In their settings, please click on Forget Device in their settings. You need to do the same with the switch. Then you need to wait a little while and then reset the Cloud Key. To do this, under the same settings in which you shut down the Cloud Key, click on Reset to default values wait and then log in with the user name and password: ubnt to log in. You must now enter a new password. The new password should be as follows: P@ssword1 to then shut down the cloud key, see: VERY IMPORTANT: Shutting down the cloud key correctly.

Once the controller has shut down, you can unplug everything and hand it over to the vocational trainer.


You can obtain the information required for this job here. Please note! Not all the information in the videos is relevant for you! Also, not all the information is available to challenge you and awaken your creativity.

Youtube Videos:

</ignore> Unifi Mesh and creating Wifi networks | Unifi AP-AC-PRO wireless meshing

</ignore> Complete UniFi Setup Start to Finish 2019

</ignore> UniFI Cloudkey & UniFI Controller Basic Setup

</ignore> How to setup Captive Portals for Guest WiFi in UniFi (New UI)

</ignore> Unifi Network Optimisation


How to improve your WiFi at home

Now we will explain how you can tune your home network if you intend to do so. The above knowledge is only a theoretical exercise! The reality will be different. You should also NEVER use insecure passwords such as Password123 or 12345678. There are plenty of instructions for this on the Internet!

Question: My WiFi is slow. What should I do?

Answer: Stand next to the router, about 1.5 metres away, and carry out a speed test. Please connect your computer to the router via Ethernet cable and perform another speed test. If it is still slow, this is due to your Internet provider. If it is then fast, try a speed test with another device. If the other device is not slow, your device may be the problem. Try restarting the device and perform the speed test again. If the speed remains the same, it is your device.

Question: How can I optimise my WiFi?

Answer: There are many possibilities. Depending on whether the range or speed is not sufficient, there are various ways to fix this. Some good tips can be found on the Internet.

If you have a Connect Box or Giga Connect Box (both are white and are sold by Sunrise (UPC)), the only thing that helps is to set up a Fritz!Box or Fritz!Repeater as a LAN bridge and connect it by cable to one of the yellow, blue or white connections (labelled LAN). Alternatively, you can also use other manufacturers, for example Netgear, TP-Link, D-Link, ZyXEL, Belkin/Linksys or ASUS. Please switch off the WiFi of the Connect Box or Giga Connect Box as a matter of urgency to prevent interference. The WiFi of these boxes is the worst of the worst on the market.

The Swisscom boxes are of a higher quality. If you are a Swisscom customer, you can also call and order a repeater. You can also order a new modem if you have an old model.

en/ausbildung/wlan.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/12/08 10:56 von e.rueefli