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Arbeitszeit 8:30 16:30
Aufgaben 1. Set up proper Proxmox Node (crt-testbox)
2. pfSense VM (crt-testbox)
3. FusionPBX CT (crt-testbox)
4. Thinlic RDP server VM (crt-testbox)
5. LDAP CT (crt-testbox)
6. RocketChat CT (crt-testbox)
7. Matterbridge CT (crt-testbox)
8. XMPP CT (crt-testbox)
9. NGINX CT (crt-testbox)
10. Get, and DNS entry (route to
Probleme 1. PVE Installler resolution to high for monitor.
2. Na
3. In progress
4. Firefox wouldnt start on RDP session
5. In progress
6. In progress
7. In progress
8. In progress
9. Na
10. Aint got access to DNS controler
Lösungen 1. Use better monitor
2. Na
3. Na
4. Force dumb Ubuntu 22 to use deb version of Firefox instead of the disgusting SNAP version
5. Na
6. Na
7. Na
8. Na
9. Na
10. Wait till Monday → Till then use hosts file on computers to define the domains
Was habe ich gelernt? That Ubuntu 22 uses SNAP as default for most applications … Yea im switching to Debian now
Wissensbeschaffung My own installation documentation :
My development on custom integrations :
My documentation on custom integrations and added features :
FusionPBX forum post :
FusionPBX forum in general :
And obviously my brain ;)


Arbeitszeit 9:00 17:00
Aufgaben 1. FusionPBX Automatic Extension creation
2. Investigate why FusionPBX crashed here
2. Documenting Implementation
4. Cisco Repos → Due to upgraded storage that should work now
5. Editing Installation Scripts to use my Fork of FusionPBX
6. Research MS Teams SIP
7. Look into matterbridge
Was habe ich gelernt?
Wissensbeschaffung My own installation documentation :
My development on custom integrations :
My documentation on custom integrations and added features :
FusionPBX forum post :
FusionPBX forum in general :
And obviously my brain ;)


Arbeitszeit 9:00 17:00
Aufgaben 1. Implementing Default Group assignment via Default Settings (FusionPBX)
2. Implementing LDAP QR Code Generation (FusionPBX)
3. Documenting Implementation
4. Installing Windows 7 On the Samsung Notebook for Aastra Ascotel 2025R AIMS Management tool (Due to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 not running on Windows 10
5. Editing Installation Scripts to use my Fork of FusionPBX
Probleme 1. None
2. None
3. In progrss
4. Windows cant detect the SSD in the laptop and refused to install
5. Not done yet
Lösungen 1. None
2. None
3. None
4. Use some sketchy Windows 7 AIO image based on Windows 10 installer with replaced wim files
5. None
Was habe ich gelernt? See here :
Wissensbeschaffung My own installation documentation :
My development on custom integrations :
My documentation on custom integrations and added features :
FusionPBX forum post :
FusionPBX forum in general :
And obviously my brain ;)


Arbeitszeit 8:50- 17:00
Aufgaben 1. Implementing Default Group assignment via Default Settings (FusionPBX)
2. LDAP QR Code (FusionPBX)
3. Inspecting Extension creation
4. Research the Aastra Ascotel ISDN PBX
5. is broken → Find out why
6. Snom LDAP
7. 413 Request Entity Too Large when uploading hold music
Probleme 5. After changing the Admin Password on FusionPBX the server is broken … Not responding to http, https, or even ssh
5. ACL Was configured wrong and systemd service file had an option not commented out
Lösungen 5. After waiting a bit while the VM was off i started it again and the problems seem to have disappeared
5. Comment out this line Environment=„DAEMON_OPTS=-nonat“ in /lib/systemd/system/freeswitch.service
Was habe ich gelernt? See here :
Wissensbeschaffung My own documentation :
My developement on custom integrations :
FusionPBX forum post :


Arbeitszeit 8:55- 17:00
Aufgaben 1. Setting up a gitlab server for FusionPBX developement due to gitea instance misbehaving
2. Cloning FusionPBX repo and developing automatic extension assignment
3. Inspecting Bag of phones I got
4. Researching Teams Phones system thingy
Probleme 1. GitLab is misbehaving → Fixed Gitea instance
2. none
3. Most of them are ISDN phones
Lösungen 1. Fixed Gitea by setting max body size to 0
2. none
3. Have a look at getting the ISDN Aastra PBX here
Was habe ich gelernt? na
Wissensbeschaffung My own documentation :


Arbeitszeit 9:00 - 16:00
Aufgaben 1. Setting up FusionPBX in a CT
2. Implementing LDAP and MSAD into it
3. Cloning Cisco Repos
4. Android client testing
5. Looking into how to make automatic extension addressing possible
6. Prioritized outward sip trunk investigation
Probleme 1. None
2. None
3. Ran out of storage again yay
4. None
5. Na
6. Na
Lösungen I mean everything sofar just kinda worked and all I was doing is following my own work in progress documentation
Was habe ich gelernt? Setting CIDR in FusionPBX correctly fixes roaming clients and local clients 404 error
Wissensbeschaffung My own documentation :


Arbeitszeit 8:40 - 16:00
Aufgaben 1. Cloning Cisco Repos
2. Waiting for reply on LDAP integration on FusionPBX forums
3. Setting up FusionPBX in a CT on Proxmox
4. Trying MS AD plugin for FusionPBX
5, Extension selection for privileged users
6. External Calling
Probleme 1. Running out of storage on 512mb's web hdd
2. Nolonger needed fixed myself
3. No issues works fine testing Debian CT as of now
4. Same as LDAP plugin but has been resolved, See below
5. Didnt work on that
6. All working on local pbx, 512mb pbx still has issues → redeploy
Lösungen 1. Delete old and abandoned nextcloud folders
2. In the file : /var/www/fusionpbx/core/authentication/resources/classes/plugins/ldap.php
On section „build user insert array“ (Line 117) Add $array['user_groups'][0]['group_uuid'] = 'f01772e5-d794-4896-bd9a-376244c8ca94';
3. Na
4. MSAD plugin works with same fix as in LDAP plugin just addapted to the MSAD script
5. Na
6. Na
Was habe ich gelernt? How to fix LDAP and MSAD integration on FusionPBX V5


Arbeitszeit 8:40 - 17:00
Aufgaben 1. LDAP integration with FusionPBX
2. Fix internal call issue if -nonat is removed from FusionPBX daemon
3. Alternative client
4. Zoiper feedback
5. Setup Documentation
6. Cloning various Cisco repos to
Probleme 1.
a) LDAP users are being added to the group „public“ instead of defined „user“ group
b) Users can only sign in using their CN
a) If -nonat is removed from the FusionPBX freeswitch daemon (to allow calling from outside the office) calling internal user extensions fails.
3. a) -
4. a) -
5. a) -
6. a) -
Lösungen 2.
a) Doesn't seem to be an issue at Rafisa, Investigate at home
Was habe ich gelernt? FusionPBX uses PostgreSQL and not SQLite, -nonat missing seems to be an issue only with my PBX, FusionPBX is refusing to give LDAP users their addressed group for whatever reason
Arbeitszeit 8:40 - 17:00
Aufgaben 1. LDAP Integration mit FusionPBX → Warte auf antwort von FusionPBX forum
2. GS Wave Mobile Client TCP Verbindung automatisieren
3. GS Wave LDAP QR code generieren
4. Linphone call drop analysieren
5, Extension selection for privileged users
6. External Calling
Probleme 1 .
a. LDAP Benutzer werden nicht zur user Gruppe hinzugefügt
b. MSAD Plugin geht nicht mit LDAP → Muss umgebaut werden oder Teil des codes ins normale LDAP auth plugin gebastelt werden
2. GS Wave registriert sich mehrmals auf FusionPBX → Calls Denied
4. Linphone call drop wenn man direkt einen user anruft der nicht Linphone als client hat
6. External calls fail / one way audio
Lösungen 1. -
2. App register time richtig setzen
3. QR Code kann gemacht werden und funktioniert siehe unten
4. -
6. Edit /etc/default/freeswitch and remove „-nonat“ from DAEMON_OPTS
Was habe ich gelernt? GS Wave LDAP QR codes generieren, Linphone client wird immer schlechter da stehen (Zoiper/Twinkle(Linux only) sind momentan noch die bessere Wahl
Wissensbeschaffung Forum post :
Remote calling :
GS Wave QR code : Resource lost, But QR code contents are documented (see qr code and use scandit to get data back)


Arbeitszeit 8:40 - 17:40
Aufgaben Evaluierung FusionPBX LDAP
In folgenden Bereichen:
LDAP Yealink
LDAP GS Wave (Mobile Client)
LDAP FusionPBX Authentifizierung
FusionPBX SIP trunk prioritizing user based
Linphone LDAP
Probleme Yealink:
1. LDAP Server not available
1. Cant sign in using uid
2. LDAP users are not added to user group
3. Sofar no real way to automatically give LDAP users an extention
FusionPBX general:
1. IVR menus overlap in terms of DTMF response
LDAP Not working
Lösungen Yealink:
1. Schreibfehler
FusionPBX general:
1. Add proper ordering to actions
Linphone LDAP:
Configure it properly
Was habe ich gelernt? Das Linphones integration von LDAP recht schlecht ist.
Wissensbeschaffung Ausprobieren + Kollege gefragt
de.bkp/ausbildung/tagesjournal.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/09/16 12:31 von