
Task 2 - Installing GNS3 and setting up a basic topology

In task 2 GNS31) is to be installed on a Windows 10 PC. After installation, a simple topology with one switch and two test PCs is set up. einzurichten2). The following graphic shows the target status of task 1:

The main area (workspace) shows the topology with the switch and the two emulated PCs. The GNS3 builtin Ethernet switch serves as the switch. The two PCs are instances of the Virtual PC Simulator (VPCS). The GNS3 server, which runs as a service directly on the local PC, is shown in the „Servers Summary“ area. The task comprises three sub-steps:

Task 2.1 - Installing GNS3 on Windows 10 [Only required for local installation]

A GNS3 environment is available on the server side in Rafisa:

A local installation of GNS3 is therefore not necessary. If you still want to install GNS3 locally, read on. Otherwise, go directly to task 2.2.

Installing GNS3

Install the latest version of GNS3 according to the following instructions:

Important notes

☛ Be patient and wait until the server has started before you start working in the workspace. The server has started successfully if the dot in the „Server summary“ area (see graphic of the target status) is green.

☛ If the GNS3 GUI does not start correctly or does not respond, close it and ensure in the task manager that no other instance of the GNS3 server is running. If necessary, terminate this process and then restart GNS3.

If you cannot run the programme as a login user with admin rights (e.g. on a PC that is a member of a domain), make sure that the GNS3 profile folder is created under the respective executing user.

Task 2.2 - Creating the topology

Specifications for the topology to be created

To familiarise yourself with GNS3, create the following topology (you will also find useful information on this in the previous video):

Information on the devices to be used

An overview of the VPCS devices and the unmanaged switch can be found here:

Important notes

☛ Hostnames, IP addresses and icons must be taken from the default settings in exactly the same way

☛ All information should be retained even after restarting the programme

Task 2.3 - Testing the solution

Download the test protocol

Please use the following form to test the solution: Test protocol, which you can download as an ODT template (Libre Office):

ODT export test protocol

Replace the notes in italics with your content. What you want to test and how and how many test cases you need is up to you. The testing must cover the most important aspects of your solution of your solution. As completion of the task the test protocol to your Wekan order upload.

Important notes

☛ Suggestions for testing: Ping tests for the two hosts; screenshot of the topology; screenshots of the device information (tooltips)

Sources and materials