
Task 0 - Getting to know the architecture of GNS3

In task 0 you will learn the basics of the architecture of GNS3 v2.0. The four components of GNS3 are introduced: 1) the user interface (GUI) (gns3-gui or gns3-web); 2) the controller (gns3-server); 3) the computer (gns3-server); 4) the emulators (Qemu, Dynamips, Virtualbox etc.).

Task 0.0 - Watch the introductory videos

Watch the introductory videos on GNS3. Don't be discouraged if you don't understand everything yet. As you progress through the course, the connections will become clear to you.

Introduction - What is GNS3?

In this short sequence you will learn a few basic facts about the network simulation software GNS3.

The architecture of GNS3

Get to know the 4 components of GNS3: 1) the user interface or GUI (gns3-gui or gns3-web projects) 2) the controller (gns3-server project) 3) the compute (part of the gns3-server project) 4) the emulators (Qemu, Dynamips, VirtualBox…)

Emulators and virtualisation

Learn how emulators are used in GNS3 and which forms of virtualisation GNS3 supports.

Task 0.1 - Explain GNS3 to a layperson

Explain what GNS3 is to someone who knows nothing about IT.

Task 0.2 - Explain GNS3 to a pro

Explain what GNS3 is to someone with IT knowledge.