
Assembling a PC with the PC Building Simulator

Components of a PC

The following video introduces the main components of a PC. Watch the video and then solve the following tasks:

<html> <iframe width=„900“ height=„506“ src=„“ title=„Welche Bestandteile hat ein Computer? - einfach erklärt!“ frameborder=„0“ allow=„accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share“ allowfullscreen></iframe> </html>

Build a PC with the PC Building Simulator

Start the PC Building Simulator and work through the „How To Build a PC“ tutorial. You will find the components you already know from the video, which you should now assemble into a functional PC.

Task 1: Remove a virus from the PC and deliver the PC

Now it's time to get serious. Start under Career\New Game\PC Building Simulator your first challenge. You have taken over a run-down PC shop and now have to make sure that you can at least pay the rent at the end of the month. To do this, you have to complete your first customer order:

Try to solve Gary's problem as quickly as possible.

Highscore list

name Time
Rafael Rebic 2:55