====== Useful commands ======
===== Proxmox =====
#create a new LVM thin pool (size 100G) called data
lvcreate -L 100G -n data pve
lvconvert --type thin-pool pve/data
#List available LVM thin pools on volume group pve
pvesm lvmthinscan pve
===== Linux based on Debian =====
#das System aktualisieren
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
#die obsoleten Pakete entfernen
sudo apt autoremove
#das Verzeichnis wechseln
cd "Verzeichnispfad"
#eine Ebene hoch
cd ..
#die Inhalte des Verzeichnisses auflisten (inkl. versteckten)
ls (ls -a)
sudo cp "datei" "zielverzeichnis"
sudo mv "datei" "ort der datei" "zielverzeichnis"
sudo rm "datei"
sudo rmdir "verzeichnispfad"
#Verzeichnis erstellen
sudo mkdir "verzeichnispfad"
#Dateisysteme anzeigen
#grösse eines verzeichnisses anzeigen
"befehl" -h
man man
man intro
man "befehl"
===== LVM stuff =====
#Thin Volume auf Proxmox erstellen
lvcreate -V300G -n backup-git -T pve/data # -V Grösse; -n Name des Volumes; -T Thinpool
===== Change IP of Docker Bridge =====
Edit /lib/systemd/system/docker.service before starting Docker. Add --bip "" at the end of line ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd.
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start docker
===== Domain Time Sync =====
To synchronise the time on a Windows PC with the domain, the ''net time'' command can be used in an admin console:
net time \\stiftung.ifa /set /y
w32tm /resync
For a customisation in the GUI:
===== Local User and Group Management on Windows 10/11 =====
To open Local Users and Groups window using lusrmgr.msc on Windows 10, you need to:\\
Hit the Windows Key + R button combination on your keyboard.
Type in lusrmgr.msc and hit Enter.
Alternatively, you can download an executable LUSRMGR.exe file to enable LUSRMGR.MSC in Windows 11 or 10. However, lusrmgr.msc is not available in Windows 10 Home. In this case, you can use control userpasswords2 in the Run box or Netplwiz to get to the passwords control. You can also download lusrmgr.exe to get a similar screen to that of the built-in lusrmgr tool.