====== Task 0 - Getting to know the architecture of GNS3 ====== In task 0 you will learn the basics of the architecture of GNS3 v2.0. The four components of GNS3 are introduced: 1) the user interface (GUI) (gns3-gui or gns3-web); 2) the controller (gns3-server); 3) the computer (gns3-server); 4) the emulators (Qemu, Dynamips, Virtualbox etc.). ===== Task 0.0 - Watch the introductory videos ===== Watch the introductory videos on GNS3. Don't be discouraged if you don't understand everything yet. As you progress through the course, the connections will become clear to you. ==== Introduction - What is GNS3? ==== In this short sequence you will learn a few basic facts about the network simulation software GNS3. {{ausbildung:01_gns3_einleitung.mp4|Introduction}} ==== The architecture of GNS3 ==== Get to know the 4 components of GNS3: 1) the user interface or GUI (gns3-gui or gns3-web projects) 2) the controller (gns3-server project) 3) the compute (part of the gns3-server project) 4) the emulators (Qemu, Dynamips, VirtualBox...)\\ {{de:ausbildung:15_gns3_2.0_architecture_and_schema_part1_what_is_the_gns3_controller.mp4|The architecture of GNS3}} ==== Emulators and virtualisation ==== Learn how emulators are used in GNS3 and which forms of virtualisation GNS3 supports. {{de:ausbildung:16_gns3_2.0_architecture_and_schema_part2_emulators_and_virtualization.mp4|Emulators and virtualisation}} ===== Task 0.1 - Explain GNS3 to a layperson ===== Explain what GNS3 is to someone who knows nothing about IT. ===== Task 0.2 - Explain GNS3 to a pro ===== Explain what GNS3 is to someone with IT knowledge.